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Security culture

IMPACT 2024: The findings

IMPACT 2024: The findings

Hosted by CybSafe, IMPACT is the free, annual event that shines a spotlight on the latest research into human factors and cybersecurity.

Imagine a room (or two) full of the world’s leading security minds, all dissecting the human side of cybersecurity.

This report is your cheat sheet to the biggest takeaways in human cyber risk. No fluff, just the juicy bits.

When nudge security is a waste of time

When nudge security is a waste of time

Security nudges exist to make the job a little easier for cybersecurity professionals. But, as with any tool, there’s a right way and a wrong way to use a nudge.

Why language matters in cybersecurity

Why language matters in cybersecurity

Language is at the heart of communication. Every time we speak or write, we choose language appropriate to our audience to get our desired message across. Why should it be any different in cyber security?

Why disciplining human error doesn’t work when it comes to cyber security

Why disciplining human error doesn’t work when it comes to cyber security

Nobody likes being punished. So why are we so quick to punish those who fall victim to cyber-attacks? A recent study by CybSafe found 4 in 10 organisations choose to discipline staff who make cyber security errors. There’s no doubt we need to respond when such incidents occur. But is disciplining employees really the best way to go?