All the content from last year’s PeepSec, Impact and flagship industry events
Developing metrics to assess the effectiveness of cybersecurity awareness program
Cybersecurity awareness (CSA) is not just about knowing, but also transforming things learned into practice. It is a continuous process that needs to be adjusted in subsequent iterations to improve its usability as well as sustainability. This is possible only if a...
SCENE: A structured means for creating and evaluating behavioral nudges in a cyber security environment
Behavior-change interventions are common in some areas of human-computer interaction, but rare in the domain of cybersecurity. This paper introduces a structured approach to working with organisations in order to develop such behavioral interventions or ‘nudges’. This...
What your workforce wishes the cyber team knew
Being a CISO or a member of a cybersecurity team can be a thankless job. Crucial work is being done daily, often in the hope that…nothing happens! Whilst proving the value of the cybersecurity team to the board is one thing – how does the workforce think they’re...
New research shows high regard for cybersecurity teams within organizations, but visibility issues persist
Canary Wharf, London, 5th Feb 2024- 97% of office workers across the UK and US trust their cybersecurity team’s ability to prevent or minimize damage from cyberattacks, according to new CybSafe research. The study examining attitudes towards cybersecurity teams...
The nudge puzzle: Matching nudge interventions to cybersecurity decisions
Nudging is a promising approach, in terms of influencing people to make advisable choices in a range of domains, including cybersecurity. However, the processes underlying the concept and the nudge’s effectiveness in different contexts, and in the long term, are still...
Toward sustainable behaviour change: An approach for cyber security education training and awareness
Effective information security education, training and awareness (SETA) is essential for protecting organisational information resources. Whilst most organisations invest significantly in implementing SETA programs, the number of incidents resulting from employee...
Towards an improved understanding of human factors in cybersecurity
Cybersecurity cannot be addressed by technology alone; the most intractable aspects are in fact sociotechnical. As a result, the 'human factor' has been recognised as being the weakest and most obscure link in creating safe and secure digital environments. This study...
Cyber security behaviour in organisations
This review explores the academic and policy literature in the context of everyday cyber security in organisations. In so doing, it identifies four behavioural sets that influences how people practice cyber security. These are compliance with security policy,...
Cyber security awareness campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour?
The present paper focuses on Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns, and aims to identify key factors regarding security which may lead them to failing to appropriately change people’s behaviour. Past and current efforts to improve information-security practices and...
Cybersecurity risk management in small and medium-sized enterprises; A systematic review of recent evidence
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been encouraged to take advantage of any possible business opportunities by utilizing and adopting new-technologies such as cloud computing services, there is a huge misunderstanding of their cyber threats from the...
Employees attitude towards cyber security and risky online behaviours: An empirical assessment in the United Kingdom
The present study aimed to explore if the size of company an individual works for, age or attitudes towards cyber security affected frequency to engage in risky online behaviours. A total of 515 participants aged between 18-84 in full or part-time employment were...
Rebooting IT security awareness – How organisations can encourage and sustain secure behaviours
Most organisations are using online security awareness training and simulated phishing attacks to encourage their employees to behave securely. Buying off-the-shelf training packages and making it mandatory for all employees to complete them is easy, and satisfies...
An ideal approach for detection and prevention of phishing attacks
Phishing is a treacherous attempt to embezzle personal information such as bank account details, credit card information, social security number, employment details, and online shopping account passwords and so on from internet users. Phishing, or stealing of...
Client-Side Counter Phishing Application Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
Phishing is an online scam which involves identity theft of unsuspecting users, by which an attacker steals the personal information of users, such as user ID or password. E-mails, instant messaging and web pages are used in carrying out such attacks, out of which...
2024 Predictions report
2024 security awareness predictions,views from the industryNo DeLorean needed. We've harnessed the collective wisdom of leading cybersecurity minds to create a comprehensive report, revealing a blueprint of what 2024 could look like: AI is set to dominate: Expect an...
Detect phishing by checking content consistency
Phishing is a form of cybercrime used to lure a victim to reveal his/her sensitive personal information to fraudulent web pages. To protect users from phishing attacks, many anti-phishing techniques have been proposed to block suspicious web pages, which are...
Real time detection of phishing websites
Web Spoofing lures the user to interact with the fake websites rather than the real ones. The main objective of this attack is to steal the sensitive information from the users. The attacker creates a ‘shadow’ website that looks similar to the legitimate website. This...
Social network security: issues, challenges, threats, and solutions
Networks are very popular in today’s world. Millions of people use various forms of social networks as they allow individuals to connect with friends and family, and share private information. However, issues related to maintaining the privacy and security of a user’s...
Addressing the incremental risks associated with adopting bring your own device
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) involves allowing employees to use their own mobile devices to access their organisations’ networks. Many organisations are embracing this trend as a means to cut information technology (IT) expenditure, enhance employee satisfaction, etc....
Online disclosure of personally identifiable information with strangers: effects of public and private sharing
Safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII) is crucial because such information is increasingly used to engineer privacy attacks, identity thefts and security breaches. But is it likely that individuals may choose to just share this information with...
Presenting Suspicious Details in User-Facing E-mail Headers Does Not Improve Phishing Detection
Phishing requires humans to fall for impersonated sources. Sender authenticity can often be inferred from e-mail header information commonly displayed by e-mail clients, such as sender and recipient details. People may be biased by convincing e-mail content and...