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Journal article | Research library
| 08/11/2021

Human-centric cybersecurity research: From trapping the bad guys to helping the good ones

Armin Ziaie Tabari

The issue of cybersecurity has surged in importance in recent years due to numerous high-profile incidents, hacking attempts, and data breaches that have captured headlines. The continuous rise in cyber incidents suggests the need for a reevaluation of how we perceive cybersecurity and whether a shift in mindset is warranted. In essence, cybersecurity is fundamentally a human problem, demanding human-centered solutions and trade-offs.

To delve into this issue, the research takes a dual perspective, examining the actions of both adversaries and defenders in the realm of cybersecurity. With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, it has become crucial to understand the real-world cybersecurity threats they face. Historically, honeypots have served as decoy devices, aiding researchers and organizations in comprehending the dynamics of network threats and their consequences. However, IoT devices present a unique challenge due to their diverse nature and physical connections.

Constructing honeypots that convincingly mimic genuine systems used by humans and organizations is crucial for gaining valuable insights into attacker behavior. This understanding is vital for identifying threats, how attackers breach our networks, and ultimately creating a more secure and protected environment.

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