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Stealing your company’s data is a piece of cake

Stealing your company’s data is a piece of cake

Would you like some data theft with your coffee? Last time, we explored auto-updates and why your people aren’t getting around to enabling them. This week’s topic is one that’s just as easily overlooked. It goes like this. Your new marketing guy, Dave, is...
We need to stop referring to humans as security “assets”

We need to stop referring to humans as security “assets”

We were wrong. Humans are NOT “security assets”. First, the industry referred to people as the “weakest link” in cybersecurity. Because you know how those pesky things click on every link they’re sent. Then they became the “strongest asset” because the industry...
Your cyber security goals are worthless. There, we said it

Your cyber security goals are worthless. There, we said it

Here’s the thing. Your cybersecurity goals are very noble. You know the risks you want to avoid, and that’s great. Except it could all count for nothing. If you’re a security awareness professional, don’t quit your job just yet. We want to get you on your way to...
Why are your people still snoozing updates?

Why are your people still snoozing updates?

Enabling auto-updates is more complicated than you think Last week, our CEO recommended a few ways to influence long-term security behaviors. This week, we’re jumping into auto-updates. “Change is the only constant.” That’s certainly true as far as IT is concerned....
10 ways to influence long-term security behaviors

10 ways to influence long-term security behaviors

Just because your security awareness training is ‘engaging’ doesn’t mean it works   Creative, funny, and wildly engaging security awareness training doesn’t lead to lasting behavior change. What it does is make people say, “I really enjoyed your training and...
A lesson on security behaviors

A lesson on security behaviors

It’s time you learnt your lesson about security behaviors Assign all the traditional security awareness training you want. Your people will probably attend every session and tick all the right boxes, but their security behaviors won’t change. But that doesn’t mean...