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A third of small and medium-sized UK businesses have suffered a data breach because of remote working in the last 12 months, CybSafe study reveals


CybSafe, London, 19 December 2018 – A third of the UK’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have suffered a data breach because of remote working in the last 12 months, according to new research from CybSafe, the training and data analytics platform that helps organisations improve cyber security awareness, behaviour, and culture.

Remote working has rapidly risen in popularity since the 90s [insert ONS statistics], as businesses have sought to boost productivity, reduce costs, improve staff wellbeing, and access a broader range of talent. According to a survey of SME decision-makers, commissioned by CybSafe, 80% of UK SMEs have seen a rise in remote working over the last 2 years.

CybSafe’s research suggests that as remote working has become more common in the UK, small businesses aren’t doing enough to adapt and improve their security practices and policies. A quarter of respondents have not implemented basic security precautions such as installing antivirus software, and 30% don’t have any measures in place to restrict files access.

Oz Alashe, CEO and founder of CybSafe, said:

“While remote working has the potential to be hugely beneficial to businesses, the threat of related data breaches is being seriously underestimated. Most small business leaders assume that their people know how to work safely when working remotely – but the number of data breaches caused by staff working remotely and the lack of training indicates that this isn’t the case. Given that remote working is likely to increase in popularity year on year, this is a problem that’s only going to get worse if businesses refuse to take action.”

The research suggests that most SME decision-makers are generally overconfident when it comes to telecommuting. Three-quarters of those surveyed believe that each and every employee understands how to safely work remotely. However, only 50% have provided any retraining to their staff in the last 12 months.

Alashe added:

“Businesses need to properly recognise the security challenges of the mobile professional and take a proactive approach – training staff so they recognise and deal with threats at work, on the go, and at home, is important.”

“Most of us work remotely, even if we don’t realise it: we work on the train, in coffee shops, and even walking down the street. The way we work as a nation has changed dramatically over the course of just a couple of decades. How businesses manage cyber security and training must reflect our lifestyles, and help us develop good habits so we can avoid becoming victims.”


About CybSafe

CybSafe is a British cyber security and data analytics company. Its AI software platform leverages science, data and cognitive computing technology to provide the world’s first truly intelligent awareness, behaviour and culture solution.

This is the end of tick-box awareness training.

CybSafe is headquartered at Level39, the prestigious technology community based in Canary Wharf, London.