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Behavior and Risk Assessment Tool


How does it work?


15 questions – takes 5 minutes to complete

Human-curated results tailored to your organization

Powered by SebDB – the most comprehensive security database in the world


Always free

SebDB maps security behaviors to risk-related outcomes

SebDB maps security behaviors to risk-related outcomes

It is the world’s most comprehensive cyber security behavior database

It is the world’s most comprehensive cyber security behavior database

SebDB is maintained by a global community of security professionals and academics

SebDB is maintained by a global community of security professionals and academics

Security awareness engagement toolkit

Security awareness engagement toolkit

This year marks 20 years since the very first National Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). Cybersecurity’s come a long way in that time…and yet, it’s just getting started. Our security awareness engagement toolkit for NCSAM 2023 has everything you need to create a security awareness and engagement program that will bring cyber threats out in a cold sweat.

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