Security Behaviour Database
All Behaviours > SB167a Reports a suspected phishing message in Slack

SB167a Reports a suspected phishing message in Slack

Reporting suspicious Slack messages notifies IT or security teams that employees are being targeted by cyber attackers. Employees who report suspicious Slack messages reduce organisation's information security risk by ensuring that appropriately trained people can take steps to minimise the harm the potential cybercriminals can do.

Why is it important?

Reporting suspected phishing messages in Slack allows your IT team to take a look at it and potentially prevent the message from reaching others. Not reporting a suspected phishing message can lead to a colleague falling victim to the message.

Priority Tier

Behaviours in SebDB are ranked by their impact on risk. Tier 1 behaviours have the biggest impact, Tier 4 behaviours the least.

Tier 1

Risk Mitigated

Account Compromise

Account Compromise

Account compromise happens when unauthorised people access them.

Further reading

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